in Ethiopia

A new kind of festive season

christmasChristmas was very different for me this year. I knew that it was going to be and I was unsure what to expect. I didn’t know if there would be church or if they would be what I call traditional Christmas. I didn’t know who I would have lunch with and I thought that I would really really miss my family.

However, God has blessed me with an amazing new family at Bingham and I was invited to three different places on Christmas Eve and three places for Christmas Day. I celebrated in a different way with different people and I learnt new traditions.

new yearI also had a different kind of New Year. I was India with most of my family for my cousins wedding. And we had a bonfire and a lovely time. The time zone was different and the people were different but the celebration was the same.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Although my mode of celebrating Christmas and New Year was different; the meaning was the same. We still celebrated Emmanuel, Christ with us. We still celebrated a New Year; a fresh start; new opportunities. We are blessed that we can know that no matter what changes in life one thing stays the same – God is still God: yesterday, today and forever HE is the same.

As we go into this year and things might have changed – new places to live, new jobs, new family members, new challenges. There is one thing that is the same – He is God and He is sovereign and He is trustworthy.

Happy 2019!!!

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